Posts Tagged ‘Chow’

Cat on Tuesdays

March 9, 2010

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In this house, the Humans dispense treats very sparingly. Sometimes I feel like Oliver Twist. Other times, I just get my hand head caught in the cookie jar.

This attempt at my treats made me so angry at Luna. She told me proudly that she managed to open a packet of sealed treats on her own and polished off 3/4 of the pack. But I couldn’t do it! And this was an un-sealed pack! Plastic confuses me.

Here is Luna. She still gets her “treats” but only because they aren’t real treats. She gets too contented with hand-fed normal Cat food.

Tsk. A Cat should have some standards.

O miserable diet

January 10, 2010

Ever since we have been to the vet, S has been a Cruella when it comes to food. Apparently, the vet (oh what does she know) said I am Overweight. In capital letters and red font colour no less.

I resent this Situation very much.

J is starting to waver because I do a good Sadface. But S says it is for my own good.

Women are wicked.

How can anyone deny a Cat who sleeps like this??

Care and share?

October 12, 2009

Edward’s treat

October 10, 2009

S brought over some treats that Edward rejected. She said it was preservatives and additives free. I don’t think she understands the definition of Treats.




Treats? Do I hear/smell Treats?


Giving S the evil eye because she fed Arthur first.

Top cat

October 5, 2009


Today for Cats on Tuesdays, we shall have a look at the dynamics of a dual-Cat household.

I have always been very accommodating towards Arthur since I’ve arrived, partly because I was the second Cat, and because I was very much smaller.

Now that I’ve grown big enough to take him on, I’m learning to stand my ground more.

Here is a video of me dominating both food bowls, a sure sign of a new regime!

Rattle rattle

October 5, 2009

I hear my treats! Everytime something rattles in the house, I will start trotting swiftly in that direction.


Sometimes, very rarely, it turns out to be a false alarm. Even then, I find that when I present my best “Gimme, please?” face, I’ll end up with something yummy.








More for Luna?


May 24, 2009



Check out my new premium food! I was overjoyed.

Role models

April 22, 2009


When my first birthday arrives, so does my new diet, because I don’t want to become Bustopher Jones.


Me, I am the Rum Tum Tugger.


Check this out

April 12, 2009


I’m working the catwalk!


Anorexic model I am not!

p/s. Can you see the remains of my spider hanging from the doorknob? I inherited it from Diana, and put it to good use. It only has legs left.

p.p/s. Kind of reminiscent of Little Miss Muffet eating her curds and whey. Except I’m not a girlygirl and I am on Science Diet.

Treats treats!

April 4, 2009

A sure way to a little chap’s heart…






Is through his tummy.